This is the Book of the Dead.
Here be the names of those souls who have seen better days in Jacmus-Prime.
This book does not provide a complete list of the dead. No one seems to know who writes it, or when a name will appear, only that those who die in Jacmus Prime will one day be etched below this line.
If your loved one is not here, perhaps you need to visit the Undertaker’s of Lotuvira.
Deceased Name | Date Interned | Method | Transcript | Service |
Dryconix | Aug 3, 02 | Death by Sword | Yes | No |
Exodia | Dec, 02 | Thrown into Lava | No | No |
Zarukai | Nov, 1, 02 | Combustion (battle) | Yes | No |
Litchlore | Nov, 1, 02 | Battle | Yes | No |
Babadoo | Nov, 1, 02 | Battle | Yes | No |
Margesti | Nov, 1, 02 | Battle | Yes | No |
Enoreth | Jan, 5, 03 | Battle | Yes | No |
Miraojar | Feb 5, 03 | Death by goblins | No | No |
Solidarity | Jan, 12, 03 | Killed by Maximus | No | No |
Delithralas | Mar, 15, 03 | Killed in sleep | No | No |