Elemental Magic

At the end of the ?Gods War ?the magical quintessence of the land was scattered. It was years later when high concentrations were discovered in rare ?gems, and plants used to create ink for tattoos.

What was not realized and is still widely unknown, is that the quintessence settled into all the land in a minuscule degree.

The sands, water, trees, and plants are imbued with traces of the former magic of Jacmus. Through the proper knowledge, ingredients, and procedures, elemental magics can be harnessed into useful, and often potent spells.

There are several copies of the original elemental books and scrolls containing the ingredients, and in depth procedures concerning each spell. ?Most of the major cities throughout Finaru and Sargaso will have these parchments deep in their libraries, often stored in the catacombs with the more ancient, and cryptic tombs, though this ?elemental magic is a more recent development.

Once someone finds, and reads through these scrolls and tombs, it takes a great deal of scholarship and repetition to become proficient and advanced. Understanding the element, beyond its uses in magic, will aid greatly in the endeavor. ?Any those who choose to follow elemental magic will fully immerse themselves in it, mind, body, passion, and time.

Elemental Paths

It takes a great deal of time and study to learn from each book, and none are wise or passionate enough to extend themselves fully into each element. Those that devote themselves to the study of elemental magic in Jacmus Prime choose one of four paths to delve into, each according to their own desires and capabilities.


Those attuned to the outdoors, who appreciate their environment have a greater propensity towards learning the basics of each book. Those who walk this path take a more relaxed look upon the elemental ?magic ?of the land, using them in their most basic, less threatening way.


Practitioners of the elemental arts focus their time and intellect upon one, and in rare cases, two books. They take their study of the elements seriously, and with time learn to use the ?magic ?to their fullest extent. Those who walk this path are limited in the variety of books they learn from, given the absorbent amount of time they allocate to the study of their chosen book.


Like those who walk the path of Nature {naturalists}, mages are capable of learning from multiple books, though they rarely, if ever, gain full expertise in any one. Mages are known to learn up to four books, gaining insight into the elements beyond a basic level.


A scholar of the elemental ?magic ?absorbs themselves fully in one book, never straying from it for any purpose. In time they gain not only expertise in their chosen book, but their intense study and understanding of the element lends themselves to gaining unique insights into the inner workings of the magic, often enabling them to step beyond the prerecorded boundaries.

Elemental Spell Difficulty

Each book has three basic spells, each more difficult and costly in time and health to the caster. While no spell directly detract from the caster’s life, the amount of concentration that goes into a spell can fully drain the energy from the caster.

The first spells of each book can be learned by a Naturalist in full. ?It is because these spells are weaker, that they take less time to learn and become proficient at. One that donates all of their time learning all the basic spells will never be able to gain the second spells in a book.

The second spells in each book are cast successfully by highly experienced and practiced elemental ?magic ?users. ?The third spells belong only to those who have fully immersed themselves in the culture of their book for many years. ?Only a Scholar, who is thoroughly and intensely devoted to one single book, can create spells beyond the already discovered and taught three.

The cost of the spells come impart from the time it takes to find the necessary ingredients, and the painstaking amount of time it takes to practice the spell enough to use it. This ?magic is learned through repetition and discovering your own increasing bond to the practiced element. ?Only through intense training and repetition will the caster become more proficient, quicker, and potent with his spells. ?Beginners will nearly always have spells fizzle, do nothing, or backfire.

The other negative effect of spell casting is the drain on the mind and body. ?The cost of concentration will leave the caster disoriented and often short of breath. ?They will nearly always be temporarily vulnerable, or weakened after casting a spell. Highly experienced users of ?magic will be able to cast multiple spells before feeling weary.

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