An interview between Saara and Jones
There’s always been a time and a place to do something. To become a fireman in the Colorado frontier during fire-season. To become a teacher when a school is short of them. To become a policeman when there needs to be protection in a neighborhood.
When is there a time for role-play?
“Aunque corras te escondas no puedes escapar…” says:
How long have you been role-playing?
Saara! says:
About three years
“Aunque corras te escondas no puedes escapar…” says:
And have you enjoyed it?
Saara! says:
Yeah I enjoy it
“Aunque corras te escondas no puedes escapar…” says:
How did you find out about it?
Saara! says:
It was always something I fancied doing so I got my self out there and actively looked for it
“Aunque corras te escondas no puedes escapar…” says:
Did it take long?
Saara! says:
No. Not really
“Aunque corras te escondas no puedes escapar…” says:
How did you find it. Did you hear about it? Come across it by chance in chat, or hear about it?
Saara! says:
I dunno really. I mean it wasnt that hard to find once you found Yahoo Chat. I blame Jane for getting me into the chat scene. Lets face it…there’s a ‘games’ section in Yahoo and if you looked forther…there are RPG rooms.
“Aunque corras te escondas no puedes escapar…” says:
Heh. Well, from a parent’s, or outsider’s point of view, not from an actual player’s, how would you describe role-play? Is it bad or not bad for people? Does it help societies in any way?
Saara! says:
Seeing as I’m a parent myself sometimes…depending of courseo n what’s actually beig played out. It can be a good thing. It encourages an active imagination, encourages writing skills, typing skills and that…As for outsiders? Many would look at you as if to say. You’re nuts, not right in the head but…Isnt Role Play supposed to be fantasy? A way to escape for a short while?
“Aunque corras te escondas no puedes escapar…” says:
I have to agree. I myself find it a great way to leave burdens of the real-world for awhile, to be forgotten. In your opinion of course, what do you think needs to be changed, in role-play? Should there be some sort of organization, and clear set rules? Anything?
Saara! says:
The only thing I suppose I’d change is simple really. There isnt that much anyone can do about rules and organization. People will only do what they want to do at the end of the day. I suppose all I’d expect…at times is a little respect. You know yourself and I’m sure everyone can relate to this. One an RP is in progress…specially pulic rooms. Those other plaers out there that could possibly consider themselves elitists…they’d be the first to bitch and whine about people hopping in and starting up ooc banter. You know what I mean? Personally…and I’m no saint. I usually sneak off or go to PM, IM or MSN…ICQ too if I have to. Respect for someone elses’ RP…too much to ask?
Saara! says:
I also think a lot of those RP’s that are locked away in private rooms would come out a lot more…if there was a little more consideration for the RP out there…
Saara! says:
Therefore it’d create one hell of a chain reaction…The newbies…as some call them would learn by example and plots, storylines woudl only get bigger nad better
Saara! says:
Bah! Maybe its just me…an idealist that sets their goals too high
Saara! says:
“Aunque corras te escondas no puedes escapar…” says:
I think many would agree with you as I do. Over the years I’ve been here, most of the role-play ever found is in private rooms. In Yahoo anyway.
“Aunque corras te escondas no puedes escapar…” says:
Well I want to thank you for giving me permission to interview you. Is there anything you’d like to add?
Saara! says:
Saara! says:
Bite me!
Saara! says:
Saara! says:
Scratch that…
Saara! says:
“There are no strangers here. Only friends who have never met”