IteoR People – Thousands live and die under the banner.

It is a land of mystery, of frigid temperature, and constant battle where the Flame of the North, King Jarek, holds sway. It is a land of pale beauty, and fiery rage. It is a land where those who live, serve with undying fanaticism to the Lord of the North. IteoR’s rise to glory was … Read more

The Kingdom of IteoR

IteoR Kingdom

Sprawled across Nothern Finaru, the Kingdom of IteoR holds sway with the entire northern half of Finaru. Through the rolling hills, the forests, the plains the Legions of IteoR march, and train. Their numbers vast, their dedication fanatical. Cities rise above the landscape, all connected by roads still under construction. The Rise of IteoR Most … Read more