Oceans and Seas

Kryenian Ocean The waters are enjoyed predominantly by the inhabitants of Northern and Central Finaru. Reputedly the surf is ideal during the warmer months of the year, and seldom are their reports of sharks or other undesirable creatures along the shoreline. The ocean is often crossed by IteoR trading vessels sailing back and forth between … Read more

Celikor Empire

Sargaso - Celikor Empire

Dominated by humans, the Celikor Empire’s rise to prestige and power came from brute force and arm twisting diplomacy. With the Dwarven strongholds guarding the Eastern pass of the mountains, the Celikor Empire was unable to stretch its influence to the coastal city of Moradil. The trade between the dwarves and this kingdom is pivotal … Read more

Arcalia a small city of IteoR

City of Arcalia

Arcalia is located on the east coast of the central Finaru. Arcalia is a small village that was settled and ruled by Sintak’s father until his death over two years ago. Sintak then took over leadership of the village and after about two years passed he headed to IteoR to offer his services. Jarek accepted … Read more

Zyvois – Former Capital of Kingdom of Dymises

Ghost town ruins

The former capital of the now defunct Kingdom of Dymises, Zyvois trades with Moradil much the same as the Southern kingdom Cer-Kahrin, though it had far fewer ships in its fleet, and not nearly as impressive a selection of goods to market. The city was predominantly human, though a small number of kobolds, goblins, and … Read more

Tianys – Capital of Sargaso and Celikor Empire


The capital of both Sargaso and the Celikor empire, Tianys is the strongest hub of trade across the continent. It’s rival Moradil frequently threatens to surpass it as the trade capital through the dwarves weighted trade and IteoR’s presence. A walled city with a natural harbor and man-made port, Tianys has clung to the title … Read more

Kingdoms of Jacmus Prime

The Cer-Kahrin Palace in Lotuvira.

Out of chaos comes order. In some cultures, a leader is chosen based on might and strength, in others persuasion. When a leader becomes a ruler through the consensus of influential families, many of whom interbreed with the desire to maintain certain aspects of a bloodline, a Kingdom is born. Definition of a Kingdom A … Read more

Sedian Isles

Old Fort Sedia

The Sedian isles sit quite literally ?lost? between the shores of Sargaso and what used to be the area of Mordor. The area flooded when new lands to the west rose suddenly from the depths, the once prosperous island is now split into a collection of smaller islands, only two of which are known to … Read more

Finaru – a prosperous continent

The continent of Finaru

The ancient land of Finaru claims the most varied and prosperous of kingdoms. Nations of dwarves, elves, humans, and many other races trace their lineage back to this continent. The vast cultural differences have lead to both unlikely alliances and bitter rivalries. The most prominent of peoples in Finaru are humans – as with most … Read more

Venuso – a cold land North of the equator

The land of Venuso

A bitter land of dark intrigue lies in the far North. It is a barren wasteland of ice and tundra that leaves no power to those whose arms are not strong enough to defend it.   Hardened, evolved races of troll, ogres, and even some adapted orc races to the cold weather. It is said … Read more

World of Jacmus Prime

Jacmus Prime World Map

This is the world as we see it. It is not a fully explored world, nor is the land stagnate. It is a new world born from an old – a place of upheaval, uncertainty and many probabilities. Undiscovered Lands Only a few have been brave enough to take to the seas to explore the … Read more