The Crusaders Clan

Locked away in the stones, the Magic is still accessible to humanity. The previous abuses are not safeguarded against. One small group of honorable men?is dedicated to ensuring that it does not abuse again. The Crusaders are trained from the time they are seven, taken away from family and friends, sworn to the blade and … Read more


Holidays held across the countries of Jacmus Prime Remembrance of the Gods – Gods War A day of sorrow where families gather to retell the tales of old, back when the Gods ruled the lands of Jacmus Prime. There are few festivities on this day, and every family has a different tradition, be it a … Read more

Exodia Reign

In the first days of Jacmus-Prime, when the heroes and villains to be began to surface, there was one tyrant whose foul deeds changed the face of Finaru, the flourishing green lands. South of Lotuvira, the capital city of Finaru a man of noble appearance, a charismatic tongue, and an iron fist, began to build … Read more

Political Archives – Berendir, Mayor of Lotuvira

[su_box title=”Berendir Post Election Update” style=”bubbles” radius=”5″] After being elected the Mayor of Lotuvira, Berendir has since established the promised hunting reserves throughout Finaru, boosted Lotuvira”s global trade and established a lasting peace in Finaru with IteoR. The Mayor is pleased too to report a minimum of Southern Finaru casualties in recent wars waged in … Read more

Brink of Oblivion

There are few evils as insidious as Zarukai, or monstrous as Litchlore in the world of Jacmus-Prime. The shadow darkened over Venuso when these two powers came together; the young and ambitious Zarukai, and the ancient and demonic being Litchlore, the father of the dark races. Zarukai?s ascent was fast and merciless, his power frightening … Read more

Gem Powers & Bearers

Gem magic

As the celestial bodies, composed of quintessence died in the Gods War, some of the chaotic energies have settled over time and can be found and harnessed through certain precious stones located across Jacmus Prime.?These stones are considered to be rare finds and trade well — though certainly most people wouldn’t trade them at all. … Read more

Magical Tattoos

Tattooed skull girl

A group of barbarian wanderers who pride their caste system based on tattoos that have been received, found that the plants they choose that supply their ink for the skin art, have been touched by the ambient quintessence left from the Gods War. They found they could now summon abilities and items depending on the … Read more